“EnEnWomen: Encouraging Women Participation in Times of Pandemic” is a project developed and implemened within the “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values” (CERV) Programme of the European Union.
The Project
The project is a response to human and social crisis related to the COVID-19 outbreak in the past years. This initiative aims to explore the effects of the pandemic on the democratic debate and the enjoyment of fundamental human rights, with the attention to a specific vulnerable group of society (as a target group): women (in particular, women from rural area; women who have experienced educational, employment and other difficulties; women who are a part of local women’s centers and other related organizations).
The action is needed in order to protect their rights with the changed living and working conditions due to pandemic, raise awareness on the necessity of democratic discussion and educate communities on the EU human rights. The specific issues related to the target group are the following: increased violence against women, passive participation in civic life, and the problems related to women education and employment.

The specific objectives of the project are:
- Reflect on and discuss COVID-19 effects on the enjoyment of fundamental rights: with the focus on the issues related to the target group (gender based violence, employment and education difficulties, lack of participation);
- Involve the target group in the debate and encourage active women participation;
- Offer the target group learning opportunities, provide them with necessary competences and empower the target group through formal and non-formal education methods;
- Encourage transnational dialogue and exchange between different institutions, while building a better understanding on how to collaborate in pandemic and other crisis times;
Target groups addressed:
- women on the age of +18;
- women from rural areas, having less opportunities in respect to their peers;
- women who have experienced educational, employment and other difficulties due to pandemic;
- women who are a part of local women’s centres and other related organizations due to the experience of domestic and any other type of violence.
Starting from the local and moving towards the European level the organizations of the project have decided to raise awareness on the celebration of fundamental rights, affected painfully by the pandemic.
The Workplan
- The project partners will first prepare a Panel Debate in each country on how COVID-19 effected the enjoyment of fundamental rights: with the focus gender based violence, employment and education difficulties and lack of participation of women.
- The project partners will prepare a Study Visit and a topic related discussion to be held in Romania, in order to exchange good practices and foster the dialogue between the partners, related organizations and institutions. The mobility involves 2 participants/organizations. The duration is 2 working days and 3 nights.
- International workshops in France and Italy. The participants are 20 women, 15 of which coming from the countries of partners (5 each country). Duration: 3 working days and 4 nights. Workshops offered in France on financial literacy and digital skills to provide the target group with necessary skills that are useful for the job market. Workshops offered in Italy are related to the empowerment of women on soft skills and emotional education, public speaking, participation in an international group-team work, language competence, communication and problem solving, flexibility, interpersonal skills.
- A closing Final Conference to be held in the town hall of Altea, Spain, which will incorporate the celebration of the impact on the target group and participants through storytelling. Discussion of the sustainability of the actions and activities that took place during the whole duration of the project. Local government (related departments), Europe direct and involved organizations will give speeches and invite for a seminar to discuss the continuation for a long-term impact. 3 women from each country and 1 direct staff member travelling.

The Programme
The Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme (CERV) aims to protect and promote rights and values as enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights in particular by supporting civil society organisations active at local, regional, national and transnational level.