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International Workshops in Molfetta, Italy

Results of this activity

22/02/2024: Arrival day. Participants arrived in Molfetta and were welcomed with a warm dinner.

23/02/2024: The workshop was organized following a non-formal education approach and methodology. The first day of activities was focused on Group building and introducing Emotional Education (EI). The Workshop began with team presentation activities and the timetable. A sharing of the personal profile of each participant followed, to break the ice and create a group atmosphere among participants from France, Romania and Spain. The day then continued to discover the ancient history of the center of Molfetta with a guided tour, and later our participants started to deepen their knowledge on the topic of emotional intelligence through the workshop developed around the “Emotion Wheel”. The emotion wheel is a type of visual aid that shows the complexity of emotions. It helps a person identify and work through their understanding of their or other people’s emotions. The workshop was divided into a few parts, in each of them participants could recognize individually their past emotions from important events they lived in their lives. In the last part of the workshop, participants could represent their emotions through a collage. Finally, participants could have a direct experience in the culture of Puglia, learning how to make orecchiette (little ears-shaped pasta).

24/02/2024: On the second day, participants visited the “Pandora Anti-Violence Center” in Molfetta, where they could talk to the professionals who are working there, and find out more about the services and the procedures. The staff of Pandora prepared and implemented the “The Line of Life” workshop, a session in which participants reflected and shared some private and emotional moments, with a graphical and creative representation. During this workshop, one of the women participants from France could have a moment to share her life testimony as she was indeed a former victim of violence. The expertise of the Pandora team was needed to support this delicate moment, which was experienced with positivity and participation. By the end of the morning Ms Anna Capurso, deputy mayor for social policies in the Municipality of Molfetta came to visit and meet the group. She shared her insights and asked direct questions on the matter to participants, gaining fruitful ideas for future development in support of gender balance in Molfetta. In the afternoon activities, the international participants were able to talk about which skills are important for the job market and namely recognize the meaning of each of these skills. (as: teamwork, communication competence, organizational competence, strategic and innovative thinking, Flexibility & adaptability, time management, decision–making, empathy, problem-solving, leadership, languages/multilingual competence, etc.). Then, they explored their professional objectives and possibilities through the workshop “The Job Tree”: participants were invited to reflect on and prioritize their objectives, connecting them to their competencies and skills, and learning priorities.

25/02/2024: The last day of activities was focused on empowerment and job opportunities. The last activity of the day was a Roleplay Workshop on “Emotional Intelligence”, in which participants, divided into groups, had the objective to find the resolution in an emotionally difficult situation that was depicted in a script, and perform the scene by solving the result. At the end of the workshop, the group agreed that they gained insights and lessons on Emotional Intelligence from participating in the role-play scenarios, the experiences in the scenarios contributed to personal and professional growth.
The second workshop of the day was “Opportunities for Adults offered by EU”, in which InCo staff presented Useful Websites and Resources offered by the EU, answered questions and shared their expertise and experience on: Europass, Erasmus+ Adult Education, Erasmus for young entrepreneurs, EURES platform. The programme CERV – Citizens, Equality, Rights, Value Programme was also presented. At the end of the presentation, also the Website of the project “EnenWomen” was officially launched, as it is one of the project results: As the last activity, one of the volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps from France presented her personal project, which focuses on the topic of gender-based violence. In detail, she developed a board game called “TutteNoi”, designed to help understand and recognize violence against women. It Includes 3 different types of playing cards: situation cards, thematic cards and secret cards. Starting from a French document, called “violentometer” which was created by some non-profit associations that work on raising awareness of violence against women, the volunteer proceeded to create the Italian version and include it in the game through the situation cards. The “violentometer” has the function of raising young women’s awareness of episodes of domestic violence, being a simple and useful tool for “measuring” whether their romantic relationship is based on consent or presents elements of violence. Participants could try the game divided into teams and learn about ways to recognize and combat violence against women.
At the end of the activity day, the trainers team facilitated 3 different methods for evaluation of the International Workshop. The first evaluation method was completing an evaluation form online, in English, that participants have completed and in which they could share their feedback with facilitators and the hosting staff anonymously. The second and third methods to evaluate the workshop were reflection methods through “Dixit” cards and the “Suitcase flipchart” and asking direct questions to participants, who shared their gained knowledge and experience with the rest of the group in an open discussion. Overall, the team of InCo-Molfetta evaluated the International Workshop positively, supporting also their internal evaluation with the extremely positive evaluation shared by participants, and the feedback coming from the staff of the Anti-Violence Center “Pandora”, who were present in the event for all the sessions.

26/02/2024: Departure day