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Panel Debate in Altea, Spain

Impacto de la Covid-19 en los derechos de las mujeres: Propuestas de futuro desde la politicas sociale locales””
| Impact of Covid-19 on Women’s Rights: Future Proposals from the Local Social Politics

The panel debate in Spain followed the same structure, focusing on the impact of Covid-19 on women’s rights and proposed solutions for the future from the perspective of local social policies, as organised in the headquarters of the Municipality of Altea. It analysed the issue from three different main topics and perspectives: Gender Violence, Employment, and Women’s Social Participation, Tics and the Gender Gap.
For this, it involved representatives of entities such as Red Cross, Women’s Centre 24 hours of Denia, representatives of the Association “The Kellys of Benidorm and Marina Baixa” (work field), as well as professionals from different areas of Welfare of the City Council of Altea and the Unit of Addictive Behaviour, to introduce the view of social education, social integration, psychologist, promotion of equality, social work, legal advice; as well as other departments of the City Council as the technician of the Local Development Agency, and citizens interested in participating. Every table of debate, in this sense, was composed of women representatives, both from associations and professional sector, which not only gave protagonist and voice to the affected population, but also guaranteed diversity of perspectives and legitimacy.

Overall, these parallel events provided a platform for diverse voices to share their experiences and opinions. The panel debates aimed, in the last instance, to find a comprehensive response not only to gender-based violence, but also other forms of discrimination that have arised or, essentially, worsened with the pandemic.
These events provided a valuable opportunity for collaboration and discussion among diverse individuals and organizations, seeking to address the issue and promote solutions for a more equitable society. In fact, they have served as an important first step towards challenging inadequate collective narratives in the local community and promoting emancipation.

Results of this activity